Another World Munchkin -Conquering The Dungeon As The Strongest And The Fastest With Only 1 Hp-
- Author(s) : Makoto Aogiri, Yuu Shimizu
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-26-2024 03:17:58 PM
- View : 49,600,000
- Genres : Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Harem , Shounen
- Rating :
- rate : 4.19 / 5 - 52 votes
Another World Munchkin -Conquering The Dungeon As The Strongest And The Fastest With Only 1 Hp- summary:
Depicting the story of a shut-in, Kirihara Yukito, after being reincarnated into another world. His peaceful life with his precious caring sister, Sana, suddenly come to an end when a beast appeared and attack them, thus reincarnating him into the “Ever World”. Moreover, knowing that Sana also got reincarnated into the Ever World, for the sake of finding his beloved little sister he begins his journey in another world…
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