• DNA wa Oshiete Kurenai

  • Author(s) : Mintarou
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Oct-28-2024 06:31:56 PM
  • TransGroup :
  • View : 278,528
  • Genres : Sci fi , Shounen
  • Rating :
  • rate : 4.67 / 5 - 27 votes

DNA wa Oshiete Kurenai summary:

A new kind of living creature has appeared; animals all over the world have suddenly transformed into cute young girls with animal attributes. The main character is a bighorn sheep who transforms into a young girl with sheep horns, who is given the name Yoko. The shepherd who finds her teaches her how to live as a human, and soon he sends her off to find happiness at a school among her own kind. This school is called "Animalium," and it is full of young girls who were once all kinds of animals, from sheep to wolves to rabbits! Yoko and the other girls will learn and make friends, and they must always try not to get too upset or frightened. If they do, they'll turn back into animal form, returning only to human shape when they calm down!
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 15 - 10-28 18:31
Chapter 14 - 10-28 18:31
Chapter 13 - 10-28 18:30
Chapter 12 - 10-28 18:30
Chapter 11 - 10-28 18:30
Chapter 10 - 10-28 18:29
Chapter 9 - 10-28 18:29
Chapter 8 - 10-28 18:29
Chapter 7 - 10-28 18:28
Chapter 6 - 10-28 18:28
Chapter 5 - 10-28 18:28
Chapter 4 - 10-28 18:27
Chapter 3 - 10-28 18:27
Chapter 2 - 10-28 18:27
Chapter 1 - 10-28 18:27

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