GUNDAM EXA VS summary:

Gundam EXA VS (ガンダム EXA VS) is a manga written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kōichi Tokita, published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Gundam Ace magazine in 2014 to be tied in with the arcade Game Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost. It's the sequel to the previous manga series, Gundam EXA. Some time after the events of Gundam EXA, Sthesia Awar informs Leos Alloy that she discovered a new GA data cluster from a computer outside of Jupiter X. The two dive into the new data and find themselves in the Universal Century, during the attack on Side 7. However, after entering the colony, they find that the inside was in ruins, and the RX-78-02 Gundam has been destroyed before it could be activated by Amuro Ray.
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 22 - 12-21 18:02
Chapter 21 - 12-21 18:02
Chapter 20 - 12-12 14:30
Chapter 19.5 - 12-12 14:30
Chapter 19 - 12-05 13:31
Chapter 18 - 11-30 19:09
Chapter 17 - 11-23 12:36
Chapter 16 - 11-19 07:35
Chapter 15 - 11-19 07:35
Chapter 14 - 11-07 04:51
Chapter 13 - 11-06 05:46
Chapter 12 - 11-06 05:45
Chapter 11 - 10-31 01:45
Chapter 10 - 10-31 01:44
Chapter 9 - 10-31 01:43
Chapter 8 - 10-31 01:42
Chapter 7 - 10-31 01:41
Chapter 6 - 10-31 01:40
Chapter 5 - 10-31 01:39
Chapter 4 - 10-31 01:37
Chapter 3 - 10-31 01:36
Chapter 2 - 10-31 01:35
Chapter 1 - 10-31 01:34
Chapter 0 - 10-31 01:33

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