Megumi No Daigo
- Author(s) : Soda Masahito
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 02:37:19 AM
- View : 94,600
- Genres : Action , Drama , Shounen
- Rating :
- rate : 4.88 / 5 - 70 votes
Megumi No Daigo summary:
Asahina Daigo, a young man fresh out of school and inaugurated into Company "Me," a firefighting unit in an area known for its lack of fires (which gives Company "Me" a slacker image). Daigo is not particularly heroic; he's overly competitive against his rivals, naive, myopic, inexperienced, short-tempered, and is often off in la-la land with a spaced-out expression on his face.
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