Mitsu na Kotoshite Kudasai
- Author(s) : Sakurada Hina
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 10:36:49 AM
- View : 130,902
- Genres : Romance , Shoujo , Smut
- Rating :
- rate : 4.74 / 5 - 19 votes
Mitsu na Kotoshite Kudasai summary:
A collection of stories: From Antisense Scanslations: 1. Do Something Honey for Me Saya is a major Shina Sogo fan. She even bought 123 lottery tickets to go to one of his signings and missed it! But what happens when she meets the man that meets every woman's desires? Can she keep her cool and not act the fool? 2. Beautiful Bid 3. Splendidly Negative Positive
Chapter name
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