Mobile Suit Gundam Ground Zero - Rise From The Ashes
- Author(s) : Saitani Umetarou
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-26-2024 08:46:28 PM
- View : 22,700
- Genres : Action , Mecha , Shounen
- Rating :
- rate : 5 / 5 - 93 votes
Mobile Suit Gundam Ground Zero - Rise From The Ashes summary:
Universal Century 0079. The One Year War, which started with the Principality of Zeon's declaration of war, took the largest toll in human history. Their first step, in particular, was a colony drop, which brought unprecedented damage to the Earth and in an instant, resulted in the death of half of mankind. This story depicts the road to recovery of a ravaged land, the hardest hit area of Australia: Ground Zero for the colony drop.
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