of the Dead
- Author(s) : Fukao Atsushi, Hiroe Rei, Hiromoto Sinichi, Hokazono Masaya, Kino Hitoshi, Koizumi Tomohiro, Matsumoto Jiro, Samura Hiroaki, Shimada Toranosuke, Tajima Sho-U, Terada Katsuya, Uguisu Sachiko
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 04:18:32 AM
- View : 273,867
- Genres : Supernatural , Drama , Action , Adventure , Tragedy , Seinen , Horror , Martial arts , Sci fi
- Rating :
- rate : 4.29 / 5 - 28 votes
of the Dead summary:
A collection of eight Zombie related oneshots by several authors.Includes illustrations by Hiroe Rei (Black Lagoon), Samura Hiroaki (Blade of the Immortal) and Matsumoto Jiro (Freesia).