Shoujo Kakumei Utena
- Author(s) : Saitou Chiho, Be-Papas
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-28-2024 10:13:24 AM
- View : 605,500
- Genres : Drama , Fantasy , Action , Romance , School life , Shoujo
- Rating :
- rate : 4.75 / 5 - 68 votes
Shoujo Kakumei Utena summary:
From Viz: After young Utena's parents die, she wanders the streets. Just as she's about to drown herself, a prince comes to her rescue, telling her she must grow up to be a brave noblewoman. From that day on, she strives to become not a princess but a prince. Years later, she receives a mysterious rose-crested ring in the mail. Will she meet the prince again?
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