SWIP SWOP summary:

The bustling metropolis called Yakusoku, known to many as the "City of Promise," is filled with chaos and mischief. Gang warfare, government corruption, and the supernatural all run rampant across this plagued community. In the midst of it all, a rabbit loving bounty hunter, a young billionaire, a normal high school student, and those aligned with them will have their lives intertwined whether it's by choice or by chance. There will be people to meet, battles to fight and mysteries to solve. If we're being honest, some of you are just here to hang out, and that's cool too. We hope you enjoy your stay, but don't say we didn't warn you.
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 12 2,126 11-01 02:14
Chapter 11 1,588 11-01 02:12
Chapter 10 2,331 11-01 02:09
Chapter 9 3,013 11-01 02:05
Chapter 8 1,961 11-01 02:01
Chapter 7 1,803 11-01 02:00
Chapter 6 1,444 11-01 01:58
Chapter 5 1,815 11-01 01:57
Chapter 4 3,439 11-01 01:57
Chapter 3 4,367 11-01 01:52
Chapter 2 2,953 11-01 01:50
Chapter 1 7,546 11-01 01:48

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