• The Dungeon Smells Like Chicken

  • Author(s) : Webtoon Changgo, Kim Jiwoo
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Oct-28-2024 02:49:47 PM
  • TransGroup :
  • View : 14,564
  • Genres : Drama , Fantasy , Romance , Manhwa , Shoujo , Cooking
  • Rating :
  • rate : 4.14 / 5 - 29 votes

The Dungeon Smells Like Chicken summary:

Chicken... Do you like it? Chicken eaten in a dungeon is delicious and exciting. When Michael, the strongest man in another world, stands in front of Sena, he becomes a golden retriever? One day, the door to the dungeon in the basement opens and a man comes in. “Here, whenever something happy or sad happens, I eat chicken.” “Miss… Please take me as your servant.” A man who wants to be your servant after you feed him chicken, can you handle it? To make matters worse, I’m the descendant of a great wizard from another world? Sena is confused by the confessions from her younger brother who she likes. Despite that, the eating continues. A relationship that started with chicken, can it continue by overcoming the gap between another world and reality? A sweet dungeon romance for you who are tired of the spicy daily life, begins
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 6 - 10-28 14:49
Chapter 5 - 10-28 14:47
Chapter 4 - 10-28 14:46
Chapter 3 - 10-28 14:44
Chapter 2 - 10-28 14:43
Chapter 1 - 10-28 14:41

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