The Emperor's Toy Boy
- Author(s) : Updating
- Status :
- Last updated : Jul-19-2022 08:04:08 PM
- View : 0
- Genres : Romance , Supernatural
- Rating :
- rate : 0 / 5 - 0 votes
The Emperor's Toy Boy summary:
Time travlled to be the toy boy of the Highness, Fu Sang, who was considered as a blessing beauty, got trapped in the game of thrones. It was said that whoever was loved by Fu Sang would be the Emperor of the whole continent. But Fu Sang was told that only by finding the future Emperor could he go back to his original world. Therefore, Fu Sang got tangled by different Highnesses... MangaToon got authorization from ChongZhuo Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
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