Yume no Omocha Koujo
- Author(s) : Kago Shintaro
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Oct-28-2024 12:08:33 PM
- View : 223,962
- Genres : Comedy , Seinen , Horror , Psychological , Mature , Adult
- Rating :
- rate : 4.35 / 5 - 17 votes
Yume no Omocha Koujo summary:
A 1-volume long manga containing various ridiculous and twisted oneshots. 1) Head Prolapse Elegy 2) White String 3) Mr. Urashima 4) Dream Toy Factory 5) Drafting a Water Goddess 6) Closed Hospital 7) The How and What of Excretion in the Future 8) The How and What of Future Sports 9) The How and What of a Space War 10) The How and What of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Chapter name
Time uploaded